Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Can't Beat Tiger Woods

"However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results."
Winston Churchill
Former British Prime Minister
When I go golfing, I visualize how every hole should be played. Power draw off the tee to the right side of the fairway...lofted 7-iron just below and to the left of the hole...firm putt at the left edge of the hole...BIRDIE!

The strategy is flawless, yet it rarely happens. Why? Success in golf isn't driven by strategy, it's about execution. The golf player who executes at the highest level on the most consistent basis will win. Despite the strategic perfection in my mind, I will never beat Tiger Woods.

Like golf, superior business performance requires superior execution. Given a choice between superior strategy and superior execution, I'll take the execution every time. In fact, I'd go so far as to claim strategy enables value, but only execution creates value. That's borderline heresy from a former McKinsey consultant.

Winston Churchill was right -- results matter. Results require execution.

Monday Morning Actions
  • When analyzing strategic options, heavily weigh execution ramifications in your final decision.
  • Re-assess the value of the marginal effort you are putting into your strategy activities. Your organization may be better off focusing those resources on executing the strategy.
  • Examine your company's job mobility and rewards policies. Are employees in roles long enough to truly evaluate their ability to execute? Are employees with superior execution skills rewarded appropriately?

P.S. I'll never win a Masters Championship, but feel free to ask about my eagle or my 430 yard drive. :-)

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